
Monthly ranking

The best performing Airlines in the game will be awarded on monthly basis. The Airlines that will perform the highest combined score of the Company’s worth increase, improvement of reliability and traffic increase will be the best and reach the top of this ranking.

At 0:00:00 of the first day of each month the three scores will be reset to 0. The count will start over and will last until 23:59:59 of the last day of the month thus generating a new score ranking. Every month you will have the opportunity to perform your best and get awarded !
Remember that to switch your Airline’s Base location will be permitted only within the first 7 days of the month in order to avoid ranking unwanted alterations.
Also remember that the score counter is updated when you are active in the game or 10 minutes before midnight of the last day of the month. That means that if you log-in the last day of the month at 23:59:59 flights shown will be those completed within the 23:50:00 of the same day.