Établissements Fouga et Cie - CM-170 Magister

Établissements Fouga et Cie - CM-170 Magister

The model CM-170 Magister of the company Établissements Fouga et Cie is a category aircraft. This means that you will be able to fly all Local flights. Of this model on myAirline there are 17 models in circulation.

Purchase price

The virtual cost to purchase this aircraft is equal to:
€ 195.000.

Delivery time

The delivery time from when you purchase a new model is equal to:
02h 00m .


For each flight this aircraft can carry up to a maximum of:
1 Passengers.


For each flight this aircraft can carry up to a maximum of:
225 Kg Cargo.


The cruising speed of this model is equal to:
350 nautical miles per hour.

Hourly consumption

The hourly fuel consumption for this model is equal to:
40 liters of fuel per hour.

Fuel capacity

This aircraft has a maximum tank capacity of:
80 lt.


This aircraft needs an additional crew of:
0 people besides the pilot.